Friday, May 10, 2013

30 Day Book Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 - A book that I've read more than 3 times... "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling

I definitely grew up in the era of Harry Potter. I was 11 when I read the first book and 17 when the seventh and final book came out. For me it was like I was growing up alongside Harry, Hermione and Ron. 

The funny thing is that when the book was first given to me (a birthday present from my godmother) and just couldn't get in to it. I had read the first few chapters a few times and had given up each time. It wasn't until one fateful long car ride that I powered through my previous point of no return and finished the book in one sitting. I'm pretty sure my mom had to leave me in the car once we got to our destination because I refused to put the book down. 

Each time a new book came out I would start at the beginning and read every one in order and I always found something I missed in the previous readings. When the movie franchise ended it felt like a little piece of my soul went along with it but at least I'll always have my books.

Coming up tomorrow: Things get a little steampunky as I reveal my favorite series.  


  1. This is a wonderful story! :) I love when books become so much a part of your life like that.

    1. The funny thing is, when the final movie came out I refused to watch it for months because it would mean the end of a childhood staple for me. But I finally sucked it up and watched. Thanks for reading!
